About Me

My photo
.a MOSLEM. .Indonesian. .2nd child of 4 sibling and 1st daughter of best parent ever. .a NEWS ANCHOR / JOURNALIST wannabe. .love to knit. .a mind keeping but open minded. .a great listener. .a music lover. .love to sing.

Monday, December 5, 2011

#coverbyme Can You Hear Me Ost. Tears of Heaven

Hallo All...!!!

Do you know this song? Can You Hear Me (Ost. Tears of Heaven) originally sang by Yangpa and one of the heroine in this theater musical, Lee Hae Ri of Davichi made another version.

Well, I decided to cover this song because I really LOVE this song after the first time I heard it. Due to my poor skill, I covered it with no music. Simply said just my voice. So, apologize me to cover this song :P

About Tears of Heaven Theater Musical, it were played by Kim Junsu of JYJ and Lee Haeri of Davichi as hero and heroine. Not just them, many big star in theater musical joined this theater. The theater is about love story between Korean Soldier and Vietnamese singer.

This is the original song:


Lee Hae Ri

This is for the lyrics and translation :

Can You Hear Me?
내 눈은 그댈 보지 못해도
난 항상 그대 곁에 있어요
내 귀가 그대 얘기를 듣지 못해도 알죠
그렇죠 날 사랑하는 걸
어둠 속에 빛이 되어준 사람
나는 그대만을 바라보고 있어요
내 마음이 하는 말
세상 어디 있다해도
같은 하늘 아래 있다는 것을 기억해요
눈물이 그대에게 닿으면
하늘에 비가 내리는 거죠
바람이 그대 두 뺨을 어루만진다면
간절한 내 손길인거죠
내게 미안해 하지는 말아요
지금 내 목소리에 귀 기울여 봐요
내 마음이 하는 말
세상 어디 있다해도
같은 하늘 아래 있다는 것을 기억해요
헤어짐이 두려워도
내 사랑을 믿어요
세상 어디 있다해도
오늘밤 우리가 맺은 그 약속 기억해요
Even though my eyes can’t see you
I’m always by your side
Even though my ears can’t hear what you say, I know it
Am I right? That you love me
The one who becomes my light in the dark
I’m looking at only you
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
The words from my heart
That no matter where you are in this world
Please remember that we are under the same sky
If my tears are reaching out for you
Rain will be falling from the sky
If wind is stroking your cheeks
It must be my hands longing for you
Don’t tell me you are sorry
Listen to my voice intently just for now
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
The words from my heart
That no matter where you are in this world
Please remember that we are under the same sky
Even though I’m scared of parting
Just like this
I love you
I love you
Believe in my love
No matter where you are in this world
Please remember that promise we made tonight
Please remember
Please remember
Hangeul lyrics @ gasazip
Translated by littleariel13.wordpress.com

I'm very pleasured if you want to hear the my cover and give comment(s). Your comment(s) mean A LOT to me !!! ^^ *So, please hear it many many many times... hehehehe

Well, please help me to hear it! Thank You! Cheongmal Kamsahamnida! :)



Saturday, December 3, 2011

#madebymyself Mango Smoothies ^^

I'm being inlove with cooking and kitchen things. So, sometimes I make the experiment with the -oh-so-simple-utensils-and-ingredients. Last time I made kimbab and kimchies. The taste... hmmm... I can say they was "success"... LOL

This afternoon I decided to make Mango Smoothies because my Mom bought the 3kg Mangoes just for Rp3.000/kg! (Three Thousand Rupiah per kilogram!). Convert to US Dollar, the price will be $ 0.332/kg! Convert to Malaysian Ringgit it will be almost RM1/kg! Convert to Korean Won it will be KRW375.5/kg! (You can convert it to your currency if you want :D ). The mangoes were really CHEAP!

Added with milk and ice, I blended the mangoes and finished the touch with chocolate topping! Hmmm... Yummy... TADAAA!!!

Hmmm.. what will be the next better experiment? ;))



Knitting Part 3

Hi everyone! How are you doing?

Now, as for the knitted shawl that I posted before here, I made some progress with the shawl. Finally I can made the initial on the shawl with chain stitch. Well, before I did it in my hard disk cover, but that was not really pretty. :(

So, this is the shawl !

People who understand, maybe think I'm CRAZY!!! :P




Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tips Beasiswa

Hai everyone!

Alasan klise yang selalu saya posting setelah sekian lama tidak menulis di blog adalah: "waahh.. udah lama ya saya ga nulis di blog. Maafkan blog ku sayang.." hahaha...

Well, semuanya tidak terlepas dari rasa malas.. Hadeehh... jujur aja, walaupun ga sibuk-sibuk amat dengan kegiatan, yang bikin sibuk ya si malas itu.. :P

Oke, bagi para pelajar yang masih dalam bangku pendidikannya atau yang sudah tamat seperti saya *heheu* dan pengen berburu beasiswa, saya mau berbagi tips yang dibagi oleh beasiswa Indonesia. Silahkan di cek, semoga bermanfaat! ^^
  1. Supaya selalu update dengan informasi beasiswa terbaru baik dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri bahkan sampai luar angkasa sekalipun, seperti Astronomy ;)
    Jangan malas disini bisa berbagai jenis, seperti malas baca, malas cari info, malas ngurusin berkas persyaratan beasiswa, dan malas – malas yang lainnya.
  3. Persiapkan kemampuan bahasa asing minimal 1 tahun sebelum daftar beasiswa.
    Jenjang waktu 1 tahun disini tentunya relatif, semua tergantung kemampuanmu dalam penguasaan bahasa asing yang diinginkan.
  4. Hapalkan minimal 10 kata baru setiap hari untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa asingmu
  5. Pelajari bahasa asing kedua setelah English, tergantung negara tujuanmu.
    Negara – negara yang bahasa utamanya selain English biasanya lebih mengutamakan peserta yang menguasai bahasa mereka, contoh: Jepang, Korea, Jerman, Perancis, dan lain – lain.
  6. Beasiswa itu bukan sedekah yg bisa “diminta”, tapi harus diperjuangkan!
  7. Jangan daftar 1 & menunggu, daftar sekaligus beberapa biar kesempatan makin besar
  8. Untuk tes wawancara, usahakan tenang, jawab dengan jujur, lugas & tidak berbelit – belit.
  9. Biaya hidup itu tergantung gaya hidup!
  10. Sudah berusaha keras untuk mendapatkan beasiswa? sekarang BERDOA!
  11. Selain bahasa, pelajari juga kebudayaan negara tujuan, bisa jadi nilai tambah buat kamu
  12. Mau beasiswa tanpa syarat? Mimpi aja ada syarat harus tidur dulu!
  13. Gak penting sepintar apa kamu, tapi seberapa besar usahamu!
  14. Kuasai kebudayaan asli Indonesia, bisa jadi nilai jualmu diluar sana!
    Contohnya seperti seni tari, seni musik dan lagu daerah, drama tradisional, pakaian adat, pengetahuan sejarah, bahasa daerah, dan sebagainya.
  15. Menguasai bahasa asing, mulailah dari kosakata & percakapan sehari-hari
  16. Biasakan menulis & membuat essay, banyak banget beasiswa dgn syarat ini!
  17. Saat tes wawancara, jaga attitude, tunjukkan kemampuanmu, tapi jangan sombong!
  18. Target TOEFL min 550, IPK min 3.0, lebih dari itu lebih baik!
    Lho, katanya pinter gak penting? Kok ada syarat nilai TOEFL & IPK yg tinggi?
    INGAT: Pintar itu hasil dari USAHA!
  19. Selain kemampuan akademis, tingkatkan jg kemampuan berkomunikasi / interpersonal skill!
  20. Setelah lulus, tinggal dulu di kota tempat kampusmu kalau bisa 1 tahun, supaya kalau ada beasiswa lanjutan mudah ngurusnya. Hal ini tentu saja selama keadaan memungkinkan. Kalau gak bisa ya jangan dipaksa.
Ayo, ayo jadi beasiswa hunter... ^^

Reference : http://beasiswaindo.com/tips

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Things Should be Posted Earlier ...

What are memories means to you? For me, memories are things that we should treasure, because from it, we can learn and have a good thing to keep whether it is good or not good.

These memories should i posted earlier... I'm sorry.

These memories are from my supervisor and staffs from place where I did my practicum training... Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.. :)

These 2 - cute bear and the veil - I got from my supervisor, Pn. Rajesry. She is really nice supervisor and she willing to help me during my practicum training even though she was extremely busy. Thank you sooooo much pn :)

This fabric I got from one of staff under student affair department pn. Liza. She is nice and very love her family. She also one of the great mother I've ever met. Thanks so much pn, I'll use this for my "baju kurung" ^^.. If the "baju kurung" done, I'll post it again.. :)

Next is this chocolate... Yummy... I got this from my dear sister in office Kak Yap :). She even wrote farewell in korean! 작별 (Jakbyeol)... Thank you so much kak... I even not eat the chocolate yet because I feel bad if eat this chocolate. :(

Last is the scarf from pn. Laila. She gave me this and said this is from Makkah :).. Thank you so much pn.. You remind me of my grand mother.. ^^

Well, everyone in my practicum place were good and I have a lot and nice memories with them... Thank You so much for the experience. ^^

Oya, 1 more thing, I'm going to have my graduation on 6th October 2011, insyaALLAH... It'll be great if I can see you in my graduation.. ^^ Annyeong...



Thursday, August 11, 2011

Protect The Boss OST. I'll Protect You

Hello ALL...!!!!
I just opened my laptop as usual and starting to browsing something new. And look what i found in Dbsknights? A new solo composed song from my idol JYJ from DBSK's Kim Jaejoong! We all know that he is participating in Protect The Boss -his new korean drama-. This is the 3rd times he doing acting after Postman To Heaven (Korean Movie) and Sunao Ni Narenakute (Japanese Drama).
Well, this song is sweet yet sad, but I like how the words arranged. He such a genius in composing songs. He also the singer of this song ^^
Well, please take a look... :D

cr: SBS
Protect The Boss Ost. I'll Protect You 
Composed by: Kim Jaejoong
Sing by: Kim Jaejoong
뜨고도 바라보지 못해 
지친 추억에 흐려진 너의 맘을 찾지 못해 
많이 울고 지쳐 이상 못해 
생각해도 너를 보면 괜찮을 같아

*지켜주고 싶어 너의 잘못된 나쁜 버릇들까지도 
힘든 웃게 만드는 거야 
힘들겠지만 사랑해 라고 말도 거야 
먼저 품에 오는 날까지
웃지 못해 웃어도 기억 못해 
오늘 하루도 꿈처럼 눈뜨면 사라질 같은 
보고도 곁에 없는 같아 
표현이 서툰른가봐 사랑하기엔

*지켜주고 싶어 너의 잘못된 나쁜 버릇들까지도 
힘든 웃게 만드는 거야 
힘들겠지만 사랑해 라고 말도 거야 
먼저 품에 오는 날까지
혹시 다른 온기를 찾아 
내게 떠나가 행복해 거니 
그래도 보낼 없어 baby
 죽기보다 아플텐데 

내가 사랑해
다른 누구도 아니 앞에 있잖아 
내가 손을 잡고 있잖아 
누군가의 품에 없어 애써 웃고 있잖아 
보낼 없어하는 을 왜… 

Even if I open my eyes, I am not able to look straight at you
In those fatigued reminiscences, I couldn’t find your heart that had become blurred
Getting listless from all that cries,

and when I thought that I couldn’t go on, I get all better once I see you

*I want to protect you
Even those bad habits of yours that’s so wrong, are what make me laugh during my rough days
Although it will be slightly difficult, I will also say words like “I love you”
Until the day that you come into my arms first

I can’t laugh; even if I laugh, I can’t remember.
Today seems like a dream too; once I open my eyes, it will disappear
Even if I glance at you, you don’t seem to be beside me.

It seems like I am too fast at expressing “I love you”

*I want to protect you
Even those bad habits of yours that’s so wrong, are what make me laugh during my rough days
Although it will be slightly difficult, I will also say words like “I love you”
Until the day that you come into my arms first

Perhaps you’re looking for other warmth.
Would you be happy if you were to leave me?
I am not able to let you go even with that baby.
Because it will hurt more than dying

I love you…
you weren’t in front of any others but me
Aren’t I holding on to your hands?
I can’t give you up to the arms of any others. I am trying hard to smile.
Why is my heart unable to let you go?

cr: hyesmemories@wp
Shared by: http://raa-tsubasa.blogspot.com/

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Happy Happy ^^

Huaaahh... almost for 2 months i'm not updating.. :D

The title is Happy happy.. Waeyoo??? Because the day before yesterday, my friend nyomie invited her korean friend to stay in 403 house... yeaaayyy!!! Her name is Bae Jeong Eun, or aegyo ^^... Unexpectedly she also a fan of DBSK/JYJ. So, in that house at that time we become JYJ's girl (I'm fan of Jaejoong, Jeong Eun is fan of Yoochun, and Bz is fan of Junsu and suddenly we become JYJ's girl) Hahahha... Ya know, when we talk about JYJ the rest person in 403 house roaming all night.. wkwkwk

I and Jong Eun 1

I and Jong Eun 2

She is cute, isn't she? But now she is in New Zealand to practice her english. 화이팅 애교!!! 할수있어!!! 나 두, 한국어 힘내요... ^^

Ah, one more thing. Because she hard to remember our name, so each one of us told our korean name. I told her that my korean name is 이쁜이, but she said that my korean name is an old name *she mean my name used in long long long time ago, not so familiar in this time* If that so, 한 가 을 어때요? because I was born in September, it is Autumn right?? hehehe... 저는 가을 좋아에요... ^^

One more thing, I also going to take part in TOPIK (
Test of Proficiency in Korean) that will be held in 18th September 2011 (WOW one day before my birthday)! Please, do pray for me, so I can do well in this test.

Well, you too guys! Give effort to your job, study, or whatever you do...!!!


-Tia- ^^

Monday, April 18, 2011

Jalmokgesseumnida... ^^

Good Afternoon everyone...^^

quick post from me. After I tried to make kimchi last year in my home country Indonesia, today I made some kimbab and brought it to my office. I'm glad that everyone like it. Here they are:


And here it is... KIMBAB.... :D

Huaaaaahhh.... Look nice, isn't??? Wanna try some??? :D



Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Me, Yovie&Nuno ^^

Same like the title, this post related to Me, Yovie&Nuno ^^

On 25th March 2011, Yovie&Nuno came to Kuala Lumpur for their mini showcase in Hard Rock Cafe Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I, farisa, ayas, winta, silvi, fadli, bang dinul, and bang ecad, came to the show and had MEET and GREET with them. ^^

Here some souvenir for you :p

the boys with Yovie and Nuno

the girls with Yovie and Nuno

I and Mas Yovie ^^

I and Dikta \(^0^)/

I and Diat :)

I and Dudi :D

Well, while meeting them and after met them, i still can't believe! For the first time in my life I met artist. I know this kind of bit little shamed myself, but who cares? hahahaha. I'm glad I can meet them in person!

After meet and greet, they have mini showcase in Hard Rock Cafe Kuala Lumpur. They sang six songs, including 'Manusia Biasa' and 'Tak Setampan Romeo'. They also sang 'Janji Suci' which was make the cafe atmosphere romantic but 'Lebih Dekat Denganmu (Juwita)' rock the end of the show :).

Hmmm... This lucky meeting make me more amazed and huge fan of them. Especially for mas Yovie who is the great musician ever :)

Good Luck Always for Yovie&Nuno ^^



Thursday, March 10, 2011

#sujodku @nulisbuku Project ^^

Hello all...

What is #sujodku? This is one project from @nulisbuku where we send our letter to our "person in the future. Sujodku itself stand for Surat Untuk Jodohku and I already sent mine. Here is my letter from this project:

To: My future soul

Apa kabarmu hari ini? Apakah kamu dalam keadaan yang sehat dan baik? Apa yang sedang kamu kerjakan sekarang? Apakah semuanya berjalan dengan lancar?

Kamu tahu Mr. right? Saat ini aku tertawa karena hanya bisa menanyakan kabarmu lewat surat ini. Akupun hanya bisa tersenyum simpul ketika pikiran membawaku ke alam imajinasi untuk bertemu denganmu.

Aku selalu membayangkan bagaimana kejadian dan tempat saat kita bertemu nanti. Mungkin di tempat makan, toko buku, perpustakaan umum, atau mungkin di tempat yang tidak kita duga sama sekali. Apakah kita teman satu sekolah, teman satu profesi atau mungkin totally stranger. Bagaimanapun kejadiannya nanti, aku berharap bisikan “dialah orangnya” akan bergema ditelingaku saat kita bertemu.

Mr. right,

Aku bukanlah orang yang pandai menarik perhatian dan bukan juga pemberi sinyal yang baik. Setiap kali aku merasa sudah memberikan lampu hijau, sayangnya sang gebetan merasa biasa saja. Bahkan salah seorang sahabat baikku pun tidak pernah tahu bahwa aku pernah suka dengan teman satu kelasku di SMP, sampai akhirnya dia mengetahui hal itu saat tahun terakhir di SMA. Diapun tahu bukan langsung dari pengakuanku.

Aku termasuk kategori wanita yang “ketinggalan zaman”. Aku tidak berani untuk mengungkapkan perasaanku secara gamblang dan to the point. Aku baru akan yakin ketika lelaki yang mengambil langkah pertama. Tapi, jika kamu benar-benar Mr. right yang dipilihkan Tuhan untukku, aku yakin kamu akan merasakan hal itu dariku walaupun sinyal yang kuberikan malu-malu untuk muncul ke permukaan.

Kamu tahu? Aku pernah bermimpi tentangmu dan kadang tanpa kusadari pikiran bawah sadarku sering membisikkan aku akan menyayangimu dengan setulus hatiku. Bukannya aku menggombal, tapi entah kenapa aku merasa hal itu benar. Aku menyayangimu walaupun aku tahu nantinya hubungan kita tidak berjalan mulus seperti jalan tol. Apakah kamu juga akan begitu Mr. right?

Mr. right,

Apakah kamu pernah terluka dan merasa kecewa? Kenapa hanya tawa kecil yang keluar dari mulutmu? Helaan nafas panjangmu mengatakan bahwa kamu pernah merasakan hal itu. Kita sama Mr. right. Sama-sama pernah merasa terluka dan kecewa. Kamu tahu apa yang aku butuhkan saat aku dalam keadaan seperti itu? Aku perlu teman untuk bercerita dan tempat bersandar. Aku yakin kamupun pasti membutuhkan hal yang sama. Hei, kamu tidak perlu malu untuk mengakuinya. Aku akan bersedia mendengarkan segala susah hatimu, kegelisahanmu, sedihmu, dan semua emosi yang ingin kamu curahkan. Aku dengan senang hati akan mendengarkannya. Kamu tidak perlu malu untuk bersandar di bahuku. Bahuku selalu kuat dan selalu siap sedia untuk ikut menanggung bebanmu.

Mr. right,

Aku yakin suatu saat nanti Tuhan akan mempertemukan kita disaat kita sama-sama saling membutuhkan dan ingin saling melengkapi. Sabarlah sampai saat itu datang ya.

Sampai jumpa nanti.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Knitting Part 2

Welcome back.... :D

As I promise, just one short post this morning... I already finish my hard disk sleeve :D
This is the result from the one that I posted before... Take a look :D

There is my initial name on it "T" ^^

I still want to make a ribbon on the top to make it close, so my hard disk won't come out and fall... hehehe

Ok, See ya!


Monday, March 7, 2011

I Love Knitting :D

Hello again.. :D

This time I will post about my knitting stuff. :)

Actually I'm starting this stuff since in high school. My friend, Lina introduce it to me. The first time, it is hard to do, because I'm still a newbie. In my mind, knitting stuff is related to GRAND MOTHER. Why? Because in a cartoon or fairy tales you will see the knitting stuff doing by grand mother. Am I right?

But, after i started it, enjoyed it, and successfully made a nice scarf I can't help my self to do it again. Lina taught me to use one needle. The first scarf I made is in black and white color and that was for my friend birthday gift. Then, I tried to make another scarf and did some practice first. The practice result can be seen here. And here is the real scarf:

This is the needle and yarns that I used:

The previous scarf I made in my hometown, Indonesia. I can find the yarns and the needle so easily. But one think i couldn't find. a pair of bamboo needle (I don't know the exact name, anyone?). I really want to use and can make the scarf, a beanie or even a sweater by that needle. I want to learn it.

After a moment postponed the knitting activity, a few days ago my colleague told me in Sungei Wang Plaza (I'm currently live in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia now) there is one shop sell the knitting stuffs. It is Lily Handy craft. When I went there, I felt like in heaven because I can find the needle I want and many kind of yarns ^^. Moreover, when you buy the set of needle and yarn they will teach you how to knit for FREE. I bought a pair bamboo needle and one wool yarn and they taught me how to make a scarf using that needle. (If you are a beginner and just want to do a practice, I suggest you to buy the cheap yarn like acrylic, because the wool yarn is more expensive than acrylic). Know, I supposed to make a scarf, but I don't have enough wool, so maybe I'll use it as my hard disk sleeve :D

The wool and pair of bamboo needle

Still in progress ^^

I'll update when this is finish... ^^

See Ya!
